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System for cooking "Synergy"

System for cooking "Synergy" - consists from: a double boiler, capacity for cooking of soups, an electric plate and an oven. Each of these elements can work as separately, and cooperating. Capacity for cooking of soups and an oven have modular structure. The structure system regulates modules on height and can develop to a condition of one module. Modules develop in the working panel. Which occupying vertical position, completely releases space. The capacity for cooking of soups has an inclination and system of a "mobile" bottom. Bending a bottom partially departs from the panel, it allows to pour soups, without using tableware.The system of a mobile bottom itself mixes a dish. "Synergy" is switched off at full readiness of food, it simplifies preparation and releases time. The system for cooking "Synergy" has easy dynamic flowing forms, which corresponds to a modern rhythm of life. System "Synergy" control panel is connected to the Internet. It allows to learn any dishes of the world and to cook food in a necessary mode.
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